Your Destiny is Waiting Inside Yourself
Living Brilliance - Your Core Essence

Living Brilliance is your Core Essence. It is a unique blend of temperament, character, preferences, talents and also edges. These all urge you to unfold. Now, in particular, after having accomplished so many duties, the time has come, to live in align with your own core essence, to dream your big dream and to bring it to life here on earth.
- Unfold your Influence in this World with what You Love.
- Now, it is time to trust, to enjoy and to assert yourself.
- Start by leeting old wounds heal, and step on to your natural path of brilliance.
I will be happy to accompany you on this path of development to become a confident woman who brings all of her facets into life and dares to be herself. Because it is a courageous step for women to stand up for themselves.
With Living Brilliance Coaching, I offer you a safe and creative space for your transformation, because it is not so easy to undertake the journey inwards and into the world alone. Especially in a society that expects even more patience and modesty from women, where clichés continue to be obstacles, companionship is good.
Do you have the choice to stay small? Or do you have the choice to challenge yourself to grow, mature, become more complete and confident?
Living Brilliance - Discover Your Inner Treasure
Like many amazing women, you probably underestimate your contributions to others and hold yourself to higher standards.
Statistics show that women present themselves as much weaker in job applications than equally qualified men. But if women were asked to stand up for another person, women would get involved just as strongly as men. So it's very likely that you too are slowed down by a modesty virus.
Living Brilliance brings out what is unlived and what is still hidden and promotes a profound reassessment of your self-concept. It gives you confidence and insight into your immeasurable value to the world. From there you realize more than just yourself. You discover your own values and how you can use them for yourself and the bigger picture from now on.
Start with my free e-book “There is a place for you to achieve what you are made for.”

Discover your true greatness with this free e-book.

"Confidence ans Self-Assertion" free coaching
You are invited to a free coaching session "Confidence and Self-Assertiveness"In this session we will work on the following:
- Find a crystal-clear vison of what you want to attain with your values and talents. How to unfold your power.
- Unveil hidden challenges, which slow you down. Expose false judgments about yourself and free yourself from the misjudgment at the root of your limitations.
- As a result of the session, you will feel renewed, strengthened and inspired by a fair self-image and a realistic orientation towards your values.
Discover your unique possibilities and trust in your wonderfully visionary, creative power. Sign up now and begin your transformation!
Get your free session with one klick here!
Challenges: Do you know some of them?
If you spend a lot of effort on behalf of others, you may have become out of touch with yourself and no longer stand up for yourself consistently and naturally. Your Living Brilliance suffers and you find yourself faced with one or more of the following tasks:
- Develop Confidence and Self-Assertiveness. Here you will find out about your values and how you can apply them to your fair advantage. You no longer apply double standards and make yourself small, but instead develop your power.
- Release entanglements with those you care for. You create clarity about what you really should give as a nurturing and caring person and where too much will lead you astray. Your expectations become realistic. At the same time, you will experience greater independence and find the space that suits your size.
- Make way for your new and brilliant life's work. This is the step with which you connect your wishes and desires with your qualities and values in a real perspective. You leave behind too narrow limitations in your field of activity as well as restrictive relationship patterns. This is how you transform indecision and false loyalty and confidently make your way into your new model of existence.
- Admired as a Role Model Here you will find how you want to be perceived, understood, respected, imitated and admired. Learn to counteract belittling judgments about yourself. Express your own greatness and remove any basis for derogatory perceptions.
As a result, you feel renewed, empowered and inspired. With a fair self-image and a well-defined understanding of your role, you can act stress-free. Freed from false expectations and demands, you can enjoy your full sovereignty.
Discover your unique possibilities and trust in your wonderfully visionary, creative power. Sign up now and begin your transformation!
One Click to Your Initial Consultation
“Imagine feeling safe in authentic self-confidence and ecstatic aliveness. Feel completely connected to your values, and visible, so that your unique feminine light shines brightly into the world.”
(Dr. Claire Zammit,, feminine power, 2023)
How Clients Unfold
They enjoy the joy and vigor of life
Compassion really blossoms when you have used enough of it for yourself. My customers become calmer, their emotions vibrate more harmoniously. Because they have learned to compassionately find new direction from their feelings, they do not allow the moods and whims of others to distract them from their path. They feel freer and choose their relationships discerningly. Respect!
More than anything, I appreciate the peace and quiet I have found. Even white nights don't bother me anymore because I live without fear and know that I can trust myself. I no longer allow myself to be infected by the hectic pace and panic, but rather hold my boundaries savely. My life has become more precious because of it.
I continue to feel compassion for others, but I don't lose myself in it. I neither fall into co-dependence nor take on someone else's feelings. My conscience has become calm because I have learned to deal with my emotions in an accepting and transformative way.
Heute gönne ich mir, was ich mir leisten kann. Geben und Nehmen sind im Gleichgewicht. Ich habe mir ein Pferd gekauft und bin in eine schöne Wohnung eingezogen. Träume habe ich wahr gemacht. Und ich habe meinen Sinn in diesem Leben gefunden. Das ist einfach wunderbar.
Get in Contact with me!

+49 (0) 177-3333661

Ingrid Drafta / Schönbornring 18 / 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Germany)
One Click to Your Initial Consultation
Clarity and Orientation for You
In our initial session you will gain clarity about how to unfold by my Coaching Program. You will get a first insight into your own emotional place now, and orientation for the development that you desire.
The initial consulation is for free, without any obligation and confidential.
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