Relationship and Unfoldment

Relationship and unfoldment go hand in hand.
No one can remain healthy or unfold for long in isolation. The old tale of Robinson Crusoe isn't entirely accurate. Withdrawal into one's own walls or onto one's own lonely island is far from a solution. If you want to find clarity in your relationships, if you aim to develop the relationship itself, then you are in the right place. But even if you feel you've gone too far, crossed boundaries, lost yourself, you will find support here on the journey back to yourself
In Relationship with the Self
We discover our true essence in healthy relationships, even in the presence of conflicts and challenges. Dynamics are inherent in development. Something new emerges—the self of the relationship. There are boundaries we don't want to breach and thresholds we're eager to cross. Both are demanding: maintaining boundaries and surpassing thresholds, transcending the comfort zone, expanding our sphere. Assisting you in this process is my offer to you.

Time to Turn Inward
You are a strong woman, you appreciate the world and your influence in it. Because you look strongly outward, you have an impact there. You do a lot, wanting to cater to opposing interests as well. You demonstrate dedication and commitment. For this, you are praised. You willingly take on an extra task.
The orientation towards the external, towards others, is a matter of character. This extroversion often forms early. However, it often happens in a way that one engages for others, not for their own stage.
At some point, it is time to turn the gaze inward and acknowledge one's own needs. This often happens in the middle years when neglect becomes palpable, symptoms emerge. It can also be dreams and visions, a defiant uprising may occur.
Now, seeking new things in the outside world again is a circular conclusion, akin to chasing exam after exam.
My offer is to give you space for your inner voice. It will show you what is important for you now.
People live as though they were walking in shoes too small for them. That quality of eternity which is so characteristic of the life of primitive man is entirely lacking.
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