The Holding Meditation

This meditation is for you and only you

Holding Meditation Herz innere Freundin emotionale Heiliung

The Holding Meditation helps you to cope better with emotions and to orient yourself fairly to your being. In doing so, it brings you into harmony with your purpose and supports you in solving your current (also karmic) tasks. It happens in a moment and place of calm.

Create a Personal Space for Meditation

Make sure this is your only activity for the next 20 minutes. Turn off the TV, the radio, turn off the phone, and don't wait for anything to cook or bake in the kitchen.

Ausruhen Relax Holding Meditation

Find peace and quiet in your personal meditation room. You can sit or lie down as you like. Pay attention to your breathing and close your eyes.

What do you want to hold in today's Mediation?

It's good to be clear beforehand about what you want to hold today so that it loses its gravity. It can be a certain feeling, a conflict situation, a relationship or a habit that you are dissatisfied with. 

You are Holding Yourself, noone else

The important thing is that you hold yourself, not anyone else. It's about your feelings that you want to heal.

Du selbst Deine innere Freundin Holding Meditation Herz im Zentrum

As an example: Tina and her daughter Lynn

Tina has conflicts with her daughter Lynn and suffers from Lynn not accepting suggestions. This makes Tina impatient and desperate. She can now ask in meditation how she can deal with Lynn without impatience and without despair. Lynn, for her part, could meditate on the question of why she turns a deaf ear to her mother's advice. Both Tina and Lynn would hold their own uncomfortable feelings.

Now it is Your Turn

And now you. What bothers you first today? What do you want to keep?Baum Leben Symbol Holding Meditation Creation Individuation

You Begin with your Ritual or simply Breathing

Breathe in your rhythm, slowly in and out slowly. If you have a ritual that you use before meditating or soul traveling, do that here too. It is your personal safe space.  



Holding Meditation - short version

Holding Meditation - short version

by Ingrid Drafta | Meditative Coaching

Hold on to your "I am".

What you experienced during the holding meditation, perhaps even as a new “I am”, record it in your meditation journal or diary. You can write something down or draw it.

If you have found something tangible, you can also find it in your home and make it easy to find for the next 14 days so that you can see or visit it every day.

This meditation was a very short version. In coaching you start with longer sequences. For everyday life it is often enough to signally wake up the holding device when necessary.

One Click to Your Initial Consultation

Clarity and Orientation for You

In our initial session you will gain clarity about how to unfold by my Coaching Program. You will get a first insight into your own emotional place now, and orientation for the development that you desire.

The initial consulation is for free, without any obligation and confidential. 


Holding Meditation: Three Key Steps

Self-compassion, Desire, Expression

As a reminder, I summarize the three stages of the Holding Meditation here. They are compassionate holding, emergence of desires and creativity. 

Ruhe Geborgenheit Akzeptanz kosmischer Schoßraum weibliche Energie Holding Meditation

Stillness, Security, Acceptance

The journey begins with what moves you emotionally. Often it is a pain, a discomfort, but not always. With this we move into the quiet space of security. Maybe you know the dark, feminine yin that keeps everything judgment-free, just as a womb allows new life to grow. We evoke a moment of love and hold the prevailing feeling compassionate, patient and loving. in love and acceptance, with compassion. 

Brillant altern Living Brilliance Coaching Bahn frei für Deinen Lebensinhalt

Desires, Inspiration, Joy

Openness to the unknown also works in security. And after a while, the feelings that seek healing find peace and calm. Only then can a new energy emerge. She is welcome in the feminine space of security. Something light wants to express itself. Expressiveness belongs to the bright, active Yang energy that begins to unfold.  

Mandala Manifestation weibliche energie Yin Mutig leben

Expression, Creativity

In the third phase, the new thing is expressed in an intuitive way that you can experience. You see, hear, feel, sense a hint of something new that fits with the healing of feelings and is now becoming free. It can be an image, a word, a feeling, a hint of something. We take what emerges with us in a symbol.

innere Wildnis Natur Verbundenheit inneres Kind Freiheit Potential Meditation Living Brilliance
More Meditating?
A Journey into your Inner Garden!

If the Holding Meditation has made you curious about more, then go on an inner journey into your magical garden. Exploring your inner landscapes brings you a lot closer to yourself and the wonderful being that you are. Click on the button below!


What clients say

Living Brilliance Coaching. Entfalte, was in Dir steckt. Metamorphose.

I found my inner powers and feel self-confident

More than anything, I appreciate the peace and quiet I have found. Even white nights don't bother me anymore because I live without fear and know that I can trust myself. I no longer allow myself to be infected by the hectic pace and panic, but rather hold my boundaries savely. My life has become more precious because of it.

Living Brilliance Coaching Lebensinhalt weibliche Kraft

I broke free from emotional entanglements

ch empfinde weiterhin Mitgefühl mit anderen, aber ich verliere mich nicht darin. Weder falle ich in Ko-Abhängigkeit noch übernehme ich fremde Gefühle. Mein Gewissen ist ruhig geworden, weil ich gelernt habe, mit meinen Emotionen annehmend und verwandelnd umzugehen.

Get in Contact with me!


+49 (0) 177-3333661


Ingrid Drafta / Schönbornring 18 / 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Germany)

One Click to Your Initial Consultation

Clarity and Orientation for You

In our initial session you will gain clarity about how to unfold by my Coaching Program. You will get a first insight into your own emotional place now, and orientation for the development that you desire.

The initial consulation is for free, without any obligation and confidential. 



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